Investing Your Money Where It Really Matters
+256702769574 - Agent JACK SERUWAGI
Qn. What is Jubilee Invest Plan?
Jubilee INVEST Plan is a product that provides you with an opportunity to build a fund as well as protect your loved ones in the event of death.
This plan allows for a disciplined and systematic way to save for a specific future financial need. In contrast to taking a loan to cater to future expenses, Jubilee INVEST plan enables you to build a fund and also has a death cover.
Maturity Benefit - On survival of the policyholder to the end of the policy term, the policyholder receives 100% of the Sum Assured. This amount is determined at Inception and is guaranteed throughout the policy term.
Death Benefit - On death of the policyholder during the policy term,20% of the Sum Assured is payable to the policyholder's named beneficiary (ies).
Inbuilt Waiver of premium on death - On death of the policyholder during the policy term, future premiums are waived and the full sun assured is payable on maturity of the policy.
Surrender Value - The Plan attains a cash value after it has been INFORCE for at three years.
Policy Loan - In attainment of a surrender value, a policy loan can be issued with the policy as the security on terms and conditions set by the Company from time to time.
• Flexible premium payment method (e.g. Salary stop Order, Direct Debit,etc.)
• Premium frequency - monthly, quarterly,semi-annual or annually.
• Policy term - 5 to 29 years.
• Minimum Sum Assured - Ushs 11,400,000, if the term is 5 years I advise the client to pay a premium of 152,000.
• 30-day free-look period
• Maturity benefit payable as a lump sum or in installments.
• Maximum Eligible Age - 65 Years.
Rider Benefits
At an additional cost,the following benefits can be incorporated into your policy.
Total and Permanent Disability due to accident - On total and permanent disability of the Life Assured due to an accident, an amount equal to the Sum Assured will become payable in equal monthly installments over a period of 36 months from the date of the accident.
Waiver of Premium - Future premiums are waived if the life Assured is totally and permanently disabled due to accident or illness.
The steps to apply are very simple and easy to follow:
• Fill in the application form
• Copy of you National Identity Card or Passport
• Payment of the first premium
• Above certain age and Sum Assured, medical check up may be required.
contact agent:-
J Seruwagi - 0702769574
Manager Annet:-